Hillary Clinton

I first learned of and saw Hillary Clinton when I was sixteen years old. I went with my mother and friends to a rally where Bill Clinton and Al Gore were speaking, and both their wives were present. She spoke that day and had such a command and presence that I was drawn to, much like her husband. I instantly fell in love and she became my role model. Her passion and drive for establishing her own career and path has always inspired me and what I lean towards when I find myself in challenging times. Now that it is twenty years later and we have watched her career unfold and evolve, I think the most important thing Hillary Clinton can part to women is that when one chapter ends, begin another one, and that your career will cover many things. Don’t force yourself on one path and give up when that path isn’t going anywhere. Many times in my career things didn’t work out. I couldn’t find a job in my degree, or I hated the job I did have in my degree. Through Hillary Clinton’s trajectory, she has taught me that your career will take many paths, and just because one job is coming to an end, it doesn’t mean your next job isn’t right around the corner. And most importantly, allow your career and interests to spread and grow.

-Rebecca P.

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Hillary Clinton